About Us

BACO-UK was established in July 2023 with a desire to promote Unity, Collaboration, and Development amongst the Banyankole people in the UK Diaspora. Another overarching purpose was to enable its members to get together, and pass on the cultural importance of customs, language and wisdom inherited from our ancestry roots in Ankole-Uganda, to our children, and hopefully impact future generations.

As a community, we aspire to teach and enlighten our children that "Losing a language, culture, traditions and history, equates to losing one's identity and pride". BACO-UK is currently undergoing structural building, to ensure compliance, and most importantly, to get it registered with the UK Charity Commission.

team image
BACO-UK Leadership Team at a recent event in London

Our Objectives


Mobilise and promote social cohesion among the Banyankole people domiciled/living in the UK.


Provide each other support during critical times such as: Mental Health & Wellbeing Crises, Family Relationship Breakdown, bereavement and other important social aspects of our lives.


Mentor our children and youth about our cultural values, norms, language, music, dance, and history.


Identify and share information on economic progress including employment opportunities, business, entrepreneurship, among others, to engage in as individuals or collectively, both in the UK and in Uganda.

Our Values

Integrity and Accountability

Integrity and Accountability

We are humble, honest & responsible. We promote ethical delivery of the activities we prioritise to support our core goals & objectives.



We promote positive behaviour, use of good language, & appreciate everyone's feelings & opinions.

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion

We are human, inclusive, & recognise our diverse needs. We value our individual differences, & are committed to treating our members equally & with dignity.



We strive to support each other both in good and bad times. We understand each other's vulnerabilities, feelings or weaknesses. We embrace the slogan of "It is ok not to be ok".



We believe individually, we can do so little, collectively, we can achieve a lot & impact many.